advertisement is a polysemic because although this advert is for water, it
clearly is just a benchwith a quarter of the seat on it. To some
people this doesn’t mean an awful lot but because it has the anchorage that
says “only use what you need to use” shows that in terms of water is you wouldn’t
waste a whole bench on just one person that doesn’t need the space so why
should you waste large amounts of water on people that don’t need it?
From watching then channel 4 Paralympics advert a lot was
shown through out. The video was based on people who are some what different to
an average person yet are doing the exact same sports that a normal person would
do. This is showing determination and is showing that anyone can do anything if
they try. Through out the video the intensity of each game was shown an
although all of these people have something that could possibly hold them back
they have not let stop them from becoming as master at what they do.
The music used through out is very motivational and goes
well with the message that is being promoted. What I think is being promoted is
strength, this is because despite the fact that these people have a disability
they still was determine to take part in a sport that may be very challenging
for them. “Forget everything you believe about strength” personally I think
this mean that it’s not about strength when it comes to certain things in life
it’s about determination.
“Meet the super human’s” this statement is very powerful
because to me it separates these people with a disability in a positive way
rather then a negative way like people normally perceive them like. This will
also make viewer want to watch because it’s using the words super humans witch
will make people want to watch because its showing to the audience how
significant they are.
All around this advert shows positivity giving the viewers
that sense of encouragement because it is saying that if someone who has no
legs still runs a race and win in record timing why can you not do anything? The
impact that this has on the viewers is basically motivating those who have a
better advantage of the people they are watching to go out and do something with
their lives.