Thursday 18 December 2014


Throughout doing my research I have been looking at different types of music videos based on a vibe of how I want my video. 

I decided, because I am I huge fan of both old school and new school music, to examine each genre of music videos and this is what I found. 

While watching the first video 'Freak Like Me' by Adina Howard I can see that all the lyrics a quite sexualised the video is quite tamed down. To begin with the conventional car scene introduces the video, back in the 90's this was a very common way to introduce the video. Another conventional scene that was incorporated into the video was the typical house party and also back ground dances were in multiple scenes of the song despite the song is not a very upbeat song. 

When focusing on the transitions of each scene of the video, one basic transition is used through the whole video. this transitions consist of a simple flash of white light while it changed from scene to scene. This gives it a simple effect and allows the video to flow quick and some what make you not really notice the transitions. I believe this has been done to give the audience chance to focus on the detail into each clip rather then them get distracted from complexed transitions. This also ties in to the era that this play was produce in because from seeing very simple transitioning shows that they was not very advanced yet. In addition to this the quality of the video is quite poor and seem to have a blur effect over it. This does make it slightly difficult to see what is going In the video.

There was only really three types of shots used with in the video which was close up, wide shot and mid shot. this shows that you was able to have a different view point on something that might be the same scene. by using a range of shots allows shots of the same scene seem like a completely new scene which allowed the song to play to the end with out the view/ audience getting bored of watching the same type of scene. I personally think that by adding many different types of shot keeps the audience entertained because it’s a variety of things for them to see and can stimulate their mind. 

There are may other types of shots that could be used however I think that it was more effective by them using less because after all less is more.

The way how they were dressed was a reflection on how they used to dress in that era however because the song is quite sexual the way how they was dress tied in to it, for example they main singer and the dancers were wearing bras and short skits. Although that may not seem that bad in 2014 back in the 90s women never really wore feminine clothes unless they were being a 'video vixen' so that said a lot about the singer and how she was seen with in the public. 

Here is the video below:

While watching the second video 'Ride' by Ciara I can see that both the content in the song and the video are very sexualised. As this video was made in 2010 you can see that times have changed dramatically in last 15 years and things that would not be acceptable in the 90's is normal in 00's. The opening scene consists of with a silhouette figure of the singer and then edges into her dancing alone. The way how she is dancing is quite alluring. The fact the she is dancing on her own shows that over the years a sense of impedance was formed for women because it was quite rare for women to be alone in videos without dancers etc.. occupying them. By just having her in the video allows you to just focus on her.

In addition to this I feel that because she is alone in the image allows you to link the song with the actions she is preforming in the video. the back ground is very neutral which also allows you to focus more on her as a dancer. 

The different type of shots that were used were close ups, mid shots and cut ins. the use of close ups were effective because it was more intimate with the singer so, it was like she was singing to you personally. The mid shots are what is used in almost every video and are a very conventional shot to use. However the cut-ins which is a shot of a a body part other than the face make the whole experience of watching the video just the more sexualised as the camera would focus on parts of the body that may be desired by the male audience, its as if the camera is forcing your eyes to look at a certain place which may make you feel unconfutable. I personally think that this is an effective way to make the video more entertaining because you eyes are able to look at certain things with out actually moving your eyes.

There were no major transitions however the changing of lighting made it seem like there was a transition. This also was done to help you focus more on the dancing that was going on.

The clothes that she is wearing through the video are very revealing, the reason I would say she has chosen to wear very skimpy clothing is because in this era that is what is in and the lest clothes the more views your video might get especially from a male view point because that what males like and from a female perspective they want to see someone that they can aspire to be like.

Here is the video below:

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