Ways of promotion

When being an artist it is important that social presents is their because it is way to interact and connect with your fans not to mention the easiest free way of promoting yourself. Its best to be on ever type of social network possible as you will be able to reach to every single on your fans.
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook are the main three that are able to help promote yourself well because when you are an artist/group you should think of yourself and as a brand. Like any brand if you don’t promote then people will be unaware about you, this therefore means less fans and less gigs.
YouTube is also another media network in which works well with promotion as you can pay for an advert on there so either way people will see it before they are able to watch the video they originally wanted to watch. This will then force people to listen to you witch will gain more fans and more YouTube views and subscribers.
Having a website is not really as popular as it used to be only because other methods have taken over however it is good to have a website 1. focus on the older generation that are not really interested in social media and 2. because its professional and to anyone that you want to sign you it looks as if you 'mean business' which will attract you to them more and 3. there for people to find out further information.
Posters/flyers are and will always be a good way to promote any information because when people travel they will be able to see it. this will give you a chance to put your gig dates of there etc.. so this will also help gain a fan base.
When creating a poster I feel it has to stand out otherwise it will not get noticed.bright colours and well photographed picture should be used and then people will be enticed by the poster and be encouraged to listen to your music.
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